Saturday, February 13, 2010


In 2009 researchers reported the first clinical trial of vitamin D in preventing internal cancers and found a 60-percent reduction in cancers by increasing vitamin D levels from 29 ng/mL to 38 ng/mL with 1,100 IU per day. This study left open the possibility that higher doses may prevent even more cancers.

Low vitamin D is associated with increases in cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, periodontal disease, macular degeneration, mental illness, propensity to fall, and chronic pain.

A recent review presented considerable evidence that influenza epidemics, and perhaps even the common cold, are brought on by seasonal deficiencies in cathelicidin, a natural antibiotic made in our cells in response to vitamin D. Results of a research study support the theory, finding 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day for one year significantly lowered self-reported incidence of colds and influenza.

Even the current triple childhood epidemics of autism, asthma, and type 1 diabetes, all of which blossomed after sun-avoidance advice became widespread, might be increased by gestational or early childhood vitamin D deficiencies partially caused by medical advice to avoid the sun.

Claims that vitamin D may help prevent such a wide variety of diseases seem incredible until one realizes vitamin D is not a vitamin; rather, it is a hormone with multiple repair and regenerative functions. Previously, many practitioners thought vitamin D’s activity was simply the regulation of serum calcium – and was thus mainly involved in bone metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency, if severe, will result in rickets, a severe bone mineralization deficit.

Adult vitamin D deficiency is the rule rather than the exception in industrialized nations. A high number of otherwise healthy children and adolescents are also vitamin D deficient especially breast-fed infants. Severe deficiencies are common in newborn infants and pregnant women, especially African-Americans.

Furthermore, the definition of vitamin D deficiency changes almost yearly as research shows the ideal vitamin D ranges are higher than were previously thought. Only 10 percent of the subjects in any of the above studies had vitamin D levels > 40 ng/mL

Sufficient Vitamin D levels are said to be 33 to 100 ng/dl. Many experts now believe that optimal vitamin D levels are between 55 and 80 ng/dl. Very few people will attain this level without supplementation of 2000 to 4000 IUs per day.